Memory 1 : Alter Ego : A Fitting Room
Memory 2 : One In Infinity, Infinity In One : A Bar
Memory 4 : Fused Minds : A Smocking Room
The Seduction of Utopia
In the vast realm of creation, there existed a city like no other—a paragon of beauty, tranquility, and perfection. This ethereal haven, known as Nowa Huta, hidden away from the chaos and afflictions that plagued the world beyond its gleaming borders. At the edge of Krakow at the edge of the world. A perfect half circle, where symmetry reigns supreme, a resplendent concert garden, this city breathed equality into the hearts of its blissful inhabitants.
In the tranquil solitude of Nowa Huta, the citizens reveled in serenity, untouched by the turbulent tides of human existence. Harmony and balance reigned supreme, for it was a place untouched by the impurities that marred the outer world.
However, fate, with its ironic dances, wove the sinister whispers of malevolence through the tranquil streets. A stranger from a distant land, cloaked in a shroud of deception, stumbled upon Nowa Huta—an idyllic haven too pure and unblemished. And so, within the heart of thecity, the stranger erected his nefarious creation. The structure reached towards the heavens like an insolent finger, a new dimension, tarnishing the pristine skyline of Nowa Huta. Its shadow cast a pall over the once unblemished streets, whispering enticing promises and guarded secrets.
Word of this establishment soon spread beyond the boardes of the city, reaching the ears of curious travelers from distant realms. It looks over us, peeping through the curtain, guiding the traveller, making vision possible by the light cast of its glitter. (1) Drawn like moths to a bewitching flame, the world flocked to the hotel, In this place of partings and reunions (2), their hearts aflame with longing for a taste of the city.

1 Leslie, Synthetic Worlds
2 Serres, Angels A Modern Myth
Neon apples under
Infrared skies
While the glass may be thin, its enclosure serves to generate a thick, artificial environment on the interior capable of hosting exotic plants. (1) A thousand and one varieties of apples, a kaleidoscope of colors, converge in a delicious symphony, like a rainbow cake tempting the senses. Discover the collective dreams that were incubated in the accumulation of objects, products, matter, processes and practices. (2) The temperature remains a constant 53.3 degrees, the perfect climate for cultivation. Above, the sky, a patchwork of discontinuous jigsaw pieces, an ever-present puzzle that never succumbs to darkness, streaming unfiltered infrared data. A garden which grows true to its own laws is not a wilderness, yet not entirely artificial either. (3) Trees, sculpted from sleek metal, stand proudly, their branches adorned with shinning apples, each one a unique spectacle, flickering like vibrant LED screens. Their radiance calls out, beckoning, as the intoxicating fragrance dances through the air, awakening insatiable appetites. I want to eat till I am full, I want to drink my fill! (4) Such is the process of so-called knowledge. (5)

Taste each apple in this jungle, for If you eat an apple, I destroy its organic self identity and assimilate it to myself. (7) The role of information has changed Once justified as a means of comprehending the world, it now generates a conflicting and contradictory, fleeting and fragmentary field of disconnected and undigested data. (8) Sometimes we eat just for pleasure: there are things we eat which are neither nutritious nor sustaining. (9) The notion of what is good to eat and what is possible to eat is a product of these processes. (7) What follows are stomach problems that gradually spread throughout the body. (11) This garden wasn’t made for serious conversation. (12)

1 Koolhaas, Elements of Architecture
2 Leslie, Synthetic Worlds
3 Alexander, A Pattern Language
4 Hugo, Les Miserables
5 Girarde, Scapegoat
7 Zizek, Less Than Nothing
8 Toy, Architects in Cyberspace
9 de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
10 Zimring, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste
11 Foucault, History of Madness
12 Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology

A sanctuary that caters to all your senses and leaves you craving for more. The tanks have been fill and the baths are waiting Thick clouds of steam and smog rising through the layers, mingling with the intoxicating scent of gasoline, a fragrant bouquet of 95 octane goodness. Desire has nothing to do with a natural or spontaneous determination; there is no desire but assembling, assembled, desire. (1) Your desires have their own preferences. That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet. The fumes and vapors condensation on the cannelures of the columns, slowly trickling down. The basins briming with shimmering liquids, a concoction produced by these remarkable gases. It beckons you to take a dip, promising an exfoliation like no other. Feel the acids melt into your skin, absorption of the purest kind. It covers the skin, accumulating layer upon layer. (2) The smooth skin peeling back, dissolving away from your body, as if happy to shed its earthly constraints. Happy are the melted bodies. (3) To be (bio)degradable means at least two things: on the one hand, the annihilation of identity; on the other hand, the chance to pass into the general milieu of culture, into the “life” of “culture” while enriching it with anonymous but nourishing substances. (4)
A place that isn’t for purification but for exhibition. It leaves you with the traces and the marks, a bricolage body stitched together piece by piece, those lines glowing in a fevering red. A sphinx, beast and girl; centaur, male and horse; unicorn, chimera, composite and mixed body; where and how to locate the site of suture or of blending, the groove where the bond is knotted and tightens, the scar where the lips, the right and the left, the high and the low, but also the angel and the beast, the vain, modest, or vengeful victor and the humble or repugnant victim, the inert and the living, the miserable and the very rich, the complete idiot and the vivacious fool, the genius and the imbecile, the master and the slave, the emperor and the clown are joined? (5) Hence the tattoos, traces and marks, our memory, our history and the parchment of our experiences. (6) What begins sweet ends bitter, and what begins bitter ends sweet. (7)

1 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
2 Serres, The Five Senses
3 Serres, The Five Senses
4 Derrida, Signature
5 Serres, Troubadour of Knowledge
6 Serres, The Five Senses

Acidic vapor and
a hint of octane 95
A grand stage to host a dance. It is a surface where forces play. (1) Whether you’re into books, movies, history, cultures, art, people, food, sports or whatever... you’ll find excitement anywhere you go. (2) Hiding behind its veil, waiting for its grand reveal, like a mischievous magician ready to dazzle the audience. It knows how to produce subjects, it can produce objects. (3) Universe is the omnidirectional, omnifrequency game of chess in which with each turn of the play there are 12 vectorial degrees of freedom: six positive and six negative moves to be made..(4)
You will find all of them here, from the jokers to the misers. Tension, calm, dramatic turn of events, tension, calm, dramatic turn. reduce here to simple laws of mechanics. (5) In constant movement and as in chess, a pawn can be converted to a queen. (6) Your luck can rise as quickly as it can fall.
Each layer a different drama, it is a matrix of stories. Not a futile amusement, but a deadly dangerous game. (7) And in each of these diverging stories all the others are reflected, all brush by us like folds of the same cloth. Profoundly, no unity. No concept, no unitary idea to recount by, to relate by, no character to stage. And therefore, and suddenly, no illusion. What disappears is the theatre. The one has vanished; the one has disappeared in the swaths; multiplicity remains. (8) Your gaze lost in the distance, forgetting time has past, you turn around from the balustrades and make your way up another flight of steps.

1 Braidotti, Patterns of Dissonance
2 Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
3 Serres, Variations on the Body
4 Fuller, Synergetics
5 Serres, The Incandescent
6 Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities
7 Serres, Hermes Literature Science Philosophy
8 Serres, Rome

Chess play with
with jokers and misers